Patient list | | Glossary of terms Carolina Raptor Center
26210 Problems Notes Costs
Admission date2024-05-18
Final date2024-10-09
Days in captivity144
SpeciesGHOW - Great horned owl
Parasitic - Capillaria
Soft tissue wounds - left wing
Soft tissue wounds - right wing

Cause of injury: Barbed wire

Release approved

Found in Lexington,NC
Davidson county
Here is a summary of this patient's treatments and expenses:

Daily rate14415.402217.60
Physical therapy5110.00550.00
Surgery, major11250.001250.00
Surgery, minor1375.00375.00
Fecal exam362.00186.00
Total  5598.60

Costs are estimates based on fees charged at a local avian specialist.
Radiographs and images














2024-10-09 14:30 MS

Release record
Band/tag number2207-10620
Band size7D
Released bySunny
NA county

2024-10-08 15:00 lkm
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 2 animals
Food in cage: 185 g total ck
Exercise: Blue 11x, Orange 9x

BARP both birds, blue flew as soon as entered, Ex 11x, he is flying higher than previous
times, Orange Ex 9x, flew up to ceiling at perch every time before flying to other
perch, and all but 1x flew up and hung from ceiling at halfway before flying to other
perch, clacky, hissing, defensive, resistant to exercise, NOLO

[26210] / 22012/Blue / ASY / UNK -
[26395] / 22093/orange / HY / UNK -

2024-10-07 12:05 sec
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 2 animals
Food in cage: 193 g ck+m (+ vit + Ca) NOLO
Exercise: 10-12x (Stop if crashing to ground)
No crashing to ground

[26210] / 22012/Blue / ASY / UNK - 12x- flew to ceiling once while flying back and
forth. Dipped very low a few times. Flew very easily. Strong flight and landings
[26395] / 22093/orange / HY / UNK - 0 times!! As soon as I walked inside the enclosure,
he fluffed up and clicked his beak. He would not fly, even though I threw a little
stick up in his direction.

2024-10-06 15:51 RMB/AG
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 2 animals
Food in cage: 187 g m
Exercise: 10-12x (Stop if crashing to ground)

[26210] / 22012/Blue / ASY / UNK -
[26395] / 22093/orange / HY / UNK -

Litte one flies well but dips
Big one needs encouragement and hits ceiling multiple times but glides well

2024-10-05 15:30 ABH
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 202 g R in total

NOLO. BARP. 3 Birds in enclosure.

[26210] / 22012/Blue / ASY / UNK - Able to fly p2p. Frequetly hit ceiling hard. 14
flights completed.
[26252] / 22083 / UNK / UNK - Able to fly p2p accurately without incident. Heavy
breathng noted after 10 flights
[26395] / 22093/orange / HY / UNK - Refused to fly, even with lots of encouragment.
Very defensive. No flights made. Struck at food immediately.

2024-10-04 17:34 LT
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 270 g ck (+ vit + Ca) TOTAL
Exercise: 10-12x (Stop if crashing to ground)

[26210] / 22012/Blue / ASY / UNK -
[26252] / 22083 / UNK / UNK -
[26395] / 22093/orange / HY / UNK -

All 3 BARP. NOLO. Exercise completed successfully 12x for two of the GHOW, and stopped
after 9x for one due to increased defensive behavior

2024-10-03 15:00 KK
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 2 animals
Food in cage: 191 g r total
Exercise: 10-12x (Stop if crashing to ground)

Both flew 10x well. No crashing to the ground. BARP NOLO

[26210] / 22012/Blue / ASY / UNK -
[26252] / 22083 / UNK / UNK -

2024-10-02 16:55 jh
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 2 animals
Food in cage: 182 g ck (+ vit + Ca) + 2 LM due to injury
Exercise: 10-12x (Stop if crashing to ground)

[26210] / 22012/Blue / ASY / UNK - 9x eager to fly, balanced and quiet
[26252] / 22083 / UNK / UNK - 11x lots of half laps, balanced but not quiet

2024-10-01 15:40 lkm
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 2 animals
Food in cage: 179 g ck
Exercise: 10x

QARP, both birds Ex 10x, bird with blue band went to ceiling at halfway on first
lap then from perch to perch the rest of time, both birds flying well and gliding
at halfway but can hear them, Unknown is staying up higher than blue band, who is
very low, NOLO

[26210] / 22012/Blue / ASY / UNK -
[26252] / 22083 / UNK / UNK -

2024-09-30 17:20 GM
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 2 animals
Food in cage: 97 g m (+ vit + Ca)
Exercise: 10-12x (Stop if crashing to ground)

NOLO, water changed.
[26210] / 22012/Blue / ASY / UNK - BARP, flew P2P 8x for exercise, but then kept
crashing to ceiling in middle of trip to perch, so stopped.

[26252] / 22083 / UNK / UNK -Much better initiative to fly all the way to other perch.
Completed exercise 8x, but started panting and other bird crashing, so stopped.

I spread mice out between sides of enclosure. After exciting, heard larger bird fly
over to smaller bird's location and then a screech and tousle, and realized both
birds may have had a quick quarrel over mice. When I looked, both birds had mice
on opposite perches.

2024-09-29 15:55 EGG
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 2 animals
Food in cage: 240 g ck/m
BARP, NOLO. All fine, no exercise as two were removed and the remaining two flew
while trying to grab the others.

[26210] / 22012/Blue / ASY / UNK -
[26252] / 22083 / UNK / UNK -

2024-09-28 11:48 EGG
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 421 g m/ck (+ vit + Ca)
All BARP, NOLO, All except 22099 ex 12+. All except 22099 flew very well, and often
flying to perch I was at when trying to get 22099 to fly. 22099 sometimes flew halway,
once hit ceiling multiple times, and always flew very low to ground, but did not

[26130] / 22099 / ASY / UNK - Extremely reluctant to fly. Kept posing to take off,
but took very long to do so. Ex. 11x.
[26210] / 22012/Blue / ASY / UNK -
[26252] / 22083 / UNK / UNK -
[26298] / 22095/lime / ATY / UNK -

2024-09-27 12:00 MS

Group entry: 4 animals
FASTED due to tropical storm

2024-09-26 13:17 sc
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 425g ck

[26130] / 22099 / ASY / UNK -
[26210] / 22012/Blue / ASY / UNK -
[26252] / 22083 / UNK / UNK -
[26298] / 22095/lime / ATY / UNK -

All perched and 2 flew in the rain. NOLO. there is a large puddle on the left side.
No exercise due to weather

2024-09-25 16:35 jh
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 375 g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Exercise: 10-12x (Stop if crashing to ground)

BARP, NOLO, did not change water due to rain
[26130] / 22099 / ASY / UNK - 10x well, flew almost all full laps
[26210] / 22012/Blue / ASY / UNK - 13 x well, balanced and quiet, first to fly each
[26252] / 22083 / UNK / UNK - 13 x balanced, not silent but flight is good and needed
much less encouragement than last week
[26298] / 22095/lime / ATY / UNK - 10x well, balanced and quiet

Lots of chattering after I left enclosure, continued for about 20 minutes

2024-09-24 16:27 MS
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 376 g m/ck
Flight eval

All BAR. NOLO, collected 2 large pellets. Changed water.

[26130] / 22099 / ASY / UNK - Didn't evaluate, but bird flew a few lengths.
[26210] / 22012/Blue / ASY / UNK - ready to go
[26252] / 22083 / UNK / UNK - ready I think, but just wondering about
[26298] / 22095/lime / ATY / UNK - ready to go

Flight eval
Exam date - 2024-09-24
Examiner - MS
Flew 11x total. Not completely silent, but aside from clinging to the ceiling occasionally, bird can fly the entire enclosure length. Flies high.

2024-09-23 17:01 RMB/srm
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 376 g r (+ vit + Ca) PER BIRD
Exercise: 10-12x (Stop if crashing to ground)

Bar, perched, flew well no crashing, One eye had trouble flying east but no problem
going west

2024-09-22 15:42 EGG
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 280 g m/ck
BAR, Perched, NOLO. As I was placing food, all four flew a little across the enclosure.

[26130] / 22099 / ASY / UNK -
[26210] / 22012/Blue / ASY / UNK -
[26252] / 22083 / UNK / UNK -
[26298] / 22095/lime / ATY / UNK -

2024-09-22 11:04 EGG

Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 90-95 g m/ck/r (+ vit + Ca) PER BIRD
Exercise: 10-12x (Stop if crashing to ground)
All BARP. All but 22099 ex. 12+

[26130] / 22099 / ASY / UNK - Ex. 9x. Grabbed wall and returned often. Flew very
low to ground
[26210] / 22012/Blue / ASY / UNK -
[26252] / 22083 / UNK / UNK -
[26298] / 22095/lime / ATY / UNK -

2024-09-21 14:15 ABH
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 370 g ck in total

NOLO. BARP. 4 birds in enclosure. Most able to fly p2p accurately without incident.

[26130] / 22099 / ASY / UNK - Only completed 5 laps. Many aborted flights. Heavy
panting noted.
[26210] / 22012/Blue / ASY / UNK - approx 15 laps
[26252] / 22083 / UNK / UNK - 10 laps
[26298] / 22095/lime / ATY / UNK - approx 15 laps.

2024-09-20 17:15 MB
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 361 g ck (+ vit + Ca) TOTAL

NOLO, all birds BARP

[26130] / 22099 / ASY / UNK - exercised 10x, only flew perch to perch once, consistently
turned around about 1/2 way through the enclosure and went to the ceiling or directly
back to perch
[26210] / 22012/Blue / ASY / UNK - exercised 13x, eager to fly and smooth landings
[26252] / 22083 / UNK / UNK - exercised 12x, eager to fly and smooth landings
[26298] / 22095/lime / ATY / UNK - exercised 14x, mostly perch to perch but turned
around 1/2 way one time

2024-09-19 14:26 KK
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 384 g m total
Exercise: 10-12x All flew 10X but One Eye struggled and continually flew about half
way, headed toward the ceiling and returned to the starting roost. BARP, NOLO

[26130] / 22099 / ASY / UNK -
[26210] / 22012/Blue / ASY / UNK -
[26252] / 22083 / UNK / UNK -
[26298] / 22095/lime / ATY / UNK -

2024-09-18 16:34 jh
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 371 g R/ck(+ vit + Ca)
Exercise: 10-12x (Stop if crashing to ground)

BARP, NOLO, changed water and collected pellets
[26130] / 22099 / ASY / UNK - 11x, half of laps were half laps, dips low, full laps are balanced and quiet
[26210] / 22012/Blue / ASY / UNK - 13x, always 1st to fly, balanced and quiet
[26252] / 22083/orange / UNK / UNK - 11x, lots of half laps, not silent, took tape off - no longer orange
[26298] / 22095/lime / ATY / UNK - 12x well, R wing droop while perched after 8 laps

2024-09-17 15:05 LKM
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 280 g total m

BARP, watching me intently, the 2 smaller owls flew in excess of 12x, both flying
well and gliding at halfway but flying low, the bird with one eye is flying so much
better in this enclosure, she only went to the ceiling or back to the perch a couple
of times, Ex 10x, flying well and gliding at halfway but flying low, the other larger
bird is flying well and gliding halfway but also flying low, was panting at 7x but
then recovered and Ex 10x, NOLO

[26130] / 22099 / ASY / UNK -
[26210] / 22012/Blue / ASY / UNK -
[26252] / 22083/orange / UNK / UNK -
[26298] / 22095/lime / ATY / UNK -

2024-09-16 16:33 GM
Leftovers: 21
Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 367 g m (+ vit + Ca)
Exercise: 10-12x: Did not exercise due to rain.

All birds BARP, flew P2P except bird with eye injury, who stayed perched.

21 g LO found.

2024-09-15 16:08 KG
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 394g m/ck TOTAL
Exercise: 10-12x (Stop if crashing to ground)

BARP, NOLO. Exercise was chaotic, lots of double laps and I couldn't see anyone's
band color. Smallest would take off first, (as soon as I started walking towards
perch) and flew easily. It was impossible to track exercise laps effectively, but
[26130] / 22099 / ASY / UNK - Popeye? Popeye would fly last and only after some gently
post shaking. Popeye would fly in circles or to the ceiling and double back quickly
and would need to be prodded again. When he would fly to the other side he'd fly
very low to the ground. Ex 10x.
[26210] / 22012/Blue / ASY / UNK -
[26252] / 22083/orange / UNK / UNK -
[26298] / 22095/lime / ATY / UNK -

2024-09-14 16:00 ABH
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 384g R in total

NOLO. BARP. 4 birds in enclousure. Most birds able to fly p2p accurately without
incident. 26130 required more encouagment to fly, but once commited to a full flight
could land accurately with some difficulty. No heavy panting noted, became grounded
once, able to quickly reperch.

[26130] / 22099 / ASY / UNK - Required a lot of encouragment to fly. Made multiple
attempts, but would frequently return to point of origin. After much encouragment,
made 1 full flight. After multiple aborted 2nd flights, became grounded and defensive.
Able to reperch on far side. Flights 3-5 went without incident, able to land accurately.
Required more encouragment for flight 6, flight was unsteady, lots of pitch and roll.
Flight 7 went without incident. Flight 8 required lots of encouragment and was also
unsteady. Flights 9 & 10 went without incident. No heavy panting noted.

[26210] / 22012/Blue / ASY / UNK - 14+ accurate flights without incident

[26252] / 22083/orange / UNK / UNK - 14+ accurate flights without incident

[26298] / 22095/lime / ATY / UNK - 14+ accurate flights without incident

2024-09-13 15:32 ME
Weight: 1240 grams, Keel score: 4.0, Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 267 g m (+ vit + Ca)
Keel of 4 (but looks like a 5)

Feather check
  Ok  Fault bar  Dystrophic
  Old  Curled  Broken, not impable
  Extra  Tipped  Missing
  IB, mature  Soiled  Mutilated
  IB  Bent  Unknown
  Imped  Broken, impable   
  Frayed  Singed   

2024-09-12 17:02 me

Group entry: 3 animals
Exercise: 10-12x (Stop if crashing to ground)

[26210] / 22012/Blue / ASY / UNK - 20x
[26252] / 22038/no color / UNK / UNK - at least 13x
[26298] / 22095/checkers / ATY / UNK - 15x

Flight eval
Exam date - 2024-09-12
Examiner - me
flew 20 x length of enclosure, eagerly; dipping down moderately low, fairly quiet but not silent in flapping mode; gliding 20-40' on some flights

2024-09-12 15:57 ah
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 310 g m/r/ck
Exercise: 10-12x (Stop if crashing to ground)
All were on perch upon arrival and BAR. Water was changed out.

[26210] / 22012/Blue / ASY / UNK - flew perch to perch x 14
[26252] / 22038/no color / UNK / UNK - flies to mid cage then back to perch x 8 but
did fly perch to perch x 3
[26298] / 22095/checkers / ATY / UNK - flew perch to mid cage and then to side wall
before going to the perch x 7, but did fly perch to perch x 4

2024-09-11 15:25 jh
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 294 g r
Exercise: 10-12x (Stop if crashing to ground)

All birds BARP, NOLO
water looked fresh and clean

[26210] / 22012/Blue / ASY / UNK - 8x with encouragment, a bit noisy
[26252] / 22038/no color / UNK / UNK - 10x well, lots of half laps
[26298] / 22095/checkers / ATY / UNK - more than 12x, very eager to fly - balanced
and quiet

2024-09-10 15:40 jd
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 273 g ck
Exercise: 10-12x (Stop if crashing to ground)
All perched, BAR

[26210] / 22012/Blue / ASY / UNK - Did not want to fly, throat panting, completed
12 laps
[26252] / 22038/no color / UNK / UNK - acomplished 12 laps with no problem
[26298] / 22095/checkers / ATY / UNK - flew great, did double the amount of laps,
completed 24 with no problem

2024-09-09 17:09 GM
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 270 g m (+ vit + Ca)
Exercise: 10-12x (Stop if crashing to ground)

All birds BARP, NOLO, Flew P to P.

[26210] / 22012/Blue / ASY / UNK - Crashed to ceiling, dipping, not silent. Exercised

[26252] / 22038/no color / UNK / UNK - Kept turning around, dipping, not silent,
but able to complete perch to perch with encouragement. Started panting so only exercised

[26298] / 22095/checkers / ATY / UNK - Exercised 10x, not silent, dipping.

2024-09-08 16:50 EGG
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 283 g ck
Exercise: 10-12x (Stop if crashing to ground)

[26210] / 22012/Blue / ASY / UNK - BAR F, Ex 12x. No Problems
[26252] / 22038/no color / UNK / UNK - BAR P, Ex 9x. Flew very low, and never finished
a full lap. Only flew halfway or less before holding a wall and returnng.
[26298] / 22095/checkers / ATY / UNK - BAR P Ex 11x. Flew a bit low, but did all

2024-09-07 14:45 AH/MS
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 3 animals
290g m in total

NOLO. BARp. Able to fly p2p accuately without incident. 12 flights completed.

2024-09-06 16:30 cd/lt
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 284 g m (+ vit + Ca) TOTAL
Exercise: 10-12x (Stop if crashing to ground)

BARP. NOLO. All three very bright and alert, flying at least 10x each with no instances
of crashing or clinging. One GHOW flew half-length of enclosure before turning around
3x, but made 10 full-length flights

2024-09-05 15:51 /jb/ah/me
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 380 g m/ck
Exercise: 10-12x (Stop if crashing to ground)
3 birds flying well
clacky has many crashes to ground and sides of enclosure

2024-09-04 17:02 cd
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 328g R/m (+ vit + Ca) TOTAL
Exercise: 10-12x (Stop if crashing to ground)

NOLO. lost exact count during exercise

[26210] / 22012/Blue / ASY / UNK - 12+. Flies a little low, bit loud. Good glide.

[26252] / 22038/no color / UNK / UNK - 8+. Low flights and hard u-turns halfway through
enclosure. Did a few full lengths. Hesitant
[26298] / 22095/checkers / ATY / UNK - 10+. Wavers in air a bit, good glide and sound,
flies low toward end of ex
[26395] / 22093 / HY / UNK - Very hesitant to fly, only got him off the perch around
6x. Ceiling clings immediately and turns around to reperch. flew all the way perch
to perch twice

2024-09-03 18:17 MS

Group entry: 4 animals

----------- ORDER CHANGE -------------
stop fasting on Wednesdays

2024-09-03 15:59 me
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 373 g m/ck
Exercise: 10x (Stop if crashing to ground) - all flew except new bird 26395 (on high

2024-09-02 17:38 RMB/GM
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 279 g r (+ vit + Ca)
Exercised: 10-12x

NOLO, All QARP, all dipping during flight. None silent. Teal banded bird kept turning
around but was able to complete exercises with encouragement. Birds panting after

2024-09-01 16:38 cd/kj
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 288g R/dk m
Exercise: 12x
Exceptionally good owls

2024-08-31 14:30 CD/AH
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 3 animals
285g ck in total.

NOLO. BARP. 3 birds in enclosure. Able to fly p2p accurately without incident. 10
flights completed.

2024-08-30 16:51 mb/cd
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 264 g dk m(+ vit + Ca) TOTAL
Exercise: 10x

NOLO, all BARP- good flight perch to perch from 2 birds, one stopped half way and
returned to perch each time

2024-08-29 16:37 jbmgs/me

Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 278 pig
Exercise: 10-12x (Stop if crashing to ground)
flying well. Exercised readily

2024-08-27 16:55 lkm/me
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 285 g m/ck
Exercise: 10x

BARP, all 3 birds flying well, gliding well at halfway, NOLO

2024-08-26 16:55 sc/ srm
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 270 g ck (+ vit + Ca) PER BIRD
Exercise: 10-12x (Stop if crashing to ground)

bar, flew well, perched, nothing else of note

2024-08-25 16:51 jh/RMB
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 277 g R
Exercise: only 8x due to crashing
All birds flew well, balanced and quiet

2024-08-25 11:16 RMB/dg
Weight: 1237 grams, Keel score: 4.0
Band changed to: 22012/Blue

2024-08-24 16:18 jh/ms
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 284 g dk m
Exercise: 10-12x
all birds flight balanced and quiet, no crashing

2024-08-23 17:25 cd
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 285g ck (+ vit + Ca) TOTAL
Exercise: 10-12x (Stop if crashing to ground)

Teal - not silent but mostly quiet. Loops around a lot, doesn't often go full length
to opposite perch. Dips very close to ground.
Unable to tell other two apart. One flies very close to the ground, not very quiet
but great glide. Other had some oddly lilted flight but was basically silent, great
glide. None crashed or fell to ground at any point.

2024-08-22 15:30 MS/JB
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 283 g ck
Exercise: 10-12x - exercised readily, flights fairly smooth

2024-08-21 07:53 MS

Group entry: 3 animals
Skip day - birds overweight

2024-08-20 17:13 MS

Band changed to: 22012/no color?

2024-08-20 17:08 MS
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 283 g m/ck
Exercise: 10-12x (Stop if crashing to ground)

All BARP. Two of these birds are colored incorrectly. Checkers is the only one that
is the same. NOLO.

[26210] / 22012/yellow / ASY / UNK - I suspect this bird is no color now. Flies very
well and with no encouragement, and I've known yellow to be that way. Flew 16x+.
[26252] / 22038 / UNK / UNK - This bird is teal. Looks just like the prof
pic. Flew 8x. Only did 2 full lengths. Otherwise, just circled back and did half-laps.
[26298] / 22095/checkers / ATY / UNK - Flew 12x, leaned to R a bit.

2024-08-19 17:52 RMB/GM
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 286 g m (+ vit + Ca)
Exercised: 10-12x

All BAR, all flying low, not silent. No crashing to ground. Bird with blue band flies
to middle of enclosure and turns back around.

2024-08-18 13:11 DG/RMB
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 283 g R

BAR, perched, all flew a few times on their own with no crashing or other issues,

2024-08-17 15:52 bt/RMB
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 269 g ck
QARP, exercised 12 x each. All were noisy, with nice glide from perch to perch.
No crashing

2024-08-16 15:49 MS
Weight: 1268 grams, Keel score: 5.0, Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 307 g m/ck (+ vit + Ca)

All BARP. Grabbed for weight and keel checks. NOLO seen. Changed water. Feathers are not bad enough to need imping. Remove alert.

[26210] / 22012/yellow / ASY / UNK - flight is much more silent today, bird took
me by surprise. flew with no encouragement needed.
[26252] / 22038 / UNK / UNK - more stubborn to fly.
[26298] / 22095/checkers / ATY / UNK - little encouragement to fly.

----------- ORDER CHANGE -------------
add a skip day, decrease food to 90-95 g.

Feather check
  Ok  Fault bar  Dystrophic
  Old  Curled  Broken, not impable
  Extra  Tipped  Missing
  IB, mature  Soiled  Mutilated
  IB  Bent  Unknown
  Imped  Broken, impable   
  Frayed  Singed   

2024-08-15 15:36 RMB/KK
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 300 g ck
Exercise: 10-12x

2024-08-14 16:19 MS
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 398 g ck
Flight eval

All BARP, NOLO seen. Water was okay.

[26130] / 22099/dark blue / ASY / UNK - Not sure about this bird. Still dipping very
low to ground, and flying in circles to her right. Might be best to see how she does
on her own, or at least with less roommates. Blue tape is gone.
[26210] / 22012/yellow / ASY / UNK - Not totally silent, but after discussing with
ME, bird is releasable with some noise because of species. Needs feather check first.
[26252] / 22038/red / UNK / UNK - Same as yellow. Red tape is gone. Needs weight check first.
[26298] / 22095/checkers / ATY / UNK - Leans to the right, needs more time.

Flight eval
Exam date - 2024-08-14
Examiner - MS
Needed no encouragement to fly. Glides most of enclosure length silently, flew 13x+ and still had stamina. Flight is not silent, but technique and stamina are great.

2024-08-13 17:15 AAH/ms
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 368 g ck (+ vit + Ca) tOTAL

barP, flying around

2024-08-12 15:17 RMB/JH
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 412 g r (+ vit + Ca)
Exercise: 10-12x (Stop if crashing to ground)
BARP, NOLO, no crashing
flight is overall good, balanced and quiet
dark blue - flies some circles, flight is good when able to do full lap

2024-08-11 15:55 GC/JD/CD
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 411 g R
Exercise: 10-12x (Stop if crashing to ground)

BARP, NOLO, all flying P to P. Looks like all color bands removed - unsure of who's
who and how many laps were done. Some birds seem very clumsy, some are very good
in flight.

One-eye is hesitant to take off, flying low, and crashing into ceiling.

Smallest bird best at flying and gliding very gracefully.

2024-08-10 13:05 MS

Group entry: 4 animals
These birds haven't had a keel check recently, but sounds like their diet has been
working. Increase food slightly to accommodate for new roommate.

----------- ORDER CHANGE -------------
inc food to 95-100 g

2024-08-10 13:01 MS
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 382 g m

All BAR, flying. NOLO. Water was clean.

[26130] / 22099/dark blue / ASY / UNK -
[26210] / 22012/yellow / ASY / UNK - flying well and silently, eval soon
[26252] / 22038/red / UNK / UNK -

2024-08-09 17:48 mb/cd
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 276 g ck TOTAL (+ vit + Ca)
Exercise: 11x

NOLO, BARP- two of the owls stopped mid-way through the enclosure during exercise
and flew backward during most of the exercise, only one flew from perch to perch
during each lap

2024-08-08 09:00 MS

Group entry: 3 animals
FASTED due to tropical storm

2024-08-07 15:53 MB/CD

Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 93 g ck (+ vit + Ca) PER BIRD
Exercise: 10-12x (Stop if crashing to ground)

All perched, 10x

Yellow: Flying quietly, with some dipping
Sliver: Louder flapping, some dipping and turing around midflight
One eye: Loud flapping, turning around/going to wall or ceiling midflight

2024-08-07 08:08 RMB

Group entry: 3 animals
Postpone flight eval until after next weighing. Everyone is still dipping.

2024-08-06 16:40 lkm/me
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 248 g r

BARP, all on same perch, smaller one flew immediately, Ex 10x, flying well but dropping
very low, gliding once at 3/4 of enclosure, bird with one eye was flying up to the
ceiling a couple times before continuing to perch, panting by lap 7, Ex 7x, other
bird also flying up to ceiling before continuing to perch, panting by lap 7, Ex 7x,

2024-08-05 17:41 RMB/GM
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 293 g m (+ vit + Ca)
Exercise: 10-12x

Bird with orange band making noise when flying, dipping, flight ok, landing well.

Bird with silver band silent flight, dipping, landing well.

Bird with one eye making circles and going back to perch, only flew across once.

2024-08-05 08:18 sc

Group entry: 3 animals

----------- ORDER CHANGE -------------
Increase exercise 10-12x

2024-08-04 17:16 GC/CD
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 290 g R
Exercise: 8-10x (Stop if crashing to ground)

All BARP, NOLO, exercised 8 x. One eye still hesitant to take off. Glides well low
but looks clumsier the higher up he flies. Everyone else WNL

2024-08-03 16:54 SD/MS
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 272 g r
Exercised 8x. One eyed GHOW hesitant, but had good flights.
Water good, no LOs

2024-08-02 14:56 cd
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 3 animals
Food: 286g ck (Vit +Ca) TOTAL

Grabbed all for weigh & move. Checked red's eyes.


2024-08-02 14:56 cd
Weight: 1259 grams
Weight change: +2 g (0 %)

2024-08-01 14:55 es/rmb
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 3 animals
290 g R (Vit +Ca) per bird
Exercise: 8-10x

No lo
still flying a bit low

2024-07-31 17:25 jh/cd
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 3 animals
Food 298 g m/ck/r (Vit +Ca)
BARP, NOLO, one bird flew laps but could not see the color

2024-07-31 14:11 RMB
Weight: 1257 grams
Weight change: +40 g (3 %)

2024-07-31 14:11 RMB

Band changed to: 22012/yellow

2024-07-31 14:02 MS

Group move to: R6

2024-07-31 14:01 MS

Group entry: 4 animals
Moved all to R6 due to potential predator situation.


2024-07-30 17:20 lkm/bw
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 294 g total r

BARP, 1 bird BAR on ground but flew to perch, 2 of the birds flew perch to perch
2x, defensive, clacky, NOLO

2024-07-29 17:35 bw/gm

Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 365g R

All birds were alert and perched.
One eye was flying and gliding well-no issues landing. Bird was just dipping very
The HY bird(orange) seemed to be struggling to fly. Was only able to make a full
pass two or three times but often went to the ground or clung to the ceiling/wall.
Needed encouragement to fly.
Other two birds have picked off their colors and could not tell them apart but both
seemed to be flying well.

2024-07-28 17:31 cd
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 404g m
Exercise: 8-10x (Stop if crashing to ground)

Exercised all around 9x. Orange fell to ground a few times at the start then perched
consistently. Purple made a few ceiling clings and U-turns but did have a few successful
full flights. NOLO

2024-07-27 17:04 SD/MS
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 359g ck

BARP. Clicking. Exercised 6x before I stopped.
No LOs, water good.

2024-07-26 18:11 lt/cd
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 420 g m (+ vit + Ca) TOTAL
Exercise: 8-10x (Stop if crashing to ground)

BARP NOLO. very brigt and alert. All four GHOW flew 5x before three began to cling
and crash to the ground.

2024-07-25 15:56 kk/rmb
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 406 g m/ck Total


Moved 2 GHOWs from R18 and R35a into F6

2024-07-24 16:35 GC/CD
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 2 animals
Food in cage: 184 g m (+ vit + Ca)
Exercise: 8-10x (Stop if crashing to ground)

BARP, NOLO, exercised 8 x.

2-eyes appears to be flying well.

1-eye is hesitant to take off and not graceful in flight. Flies low to the ground
most of the time and crashes into ceiling. Almost flew into me a few times

2024-07-23 15:25 lkm/me
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 2 animals
Food in cage: 184 g m
Exercise: 8x (Stop if crashing to ground)

BARP, 1 bird flew immediately upon entry, flying very low in middle consistently,
bird with 1 eye flying up to ceiling at least once sometimes twice in the middle
but continuing on to perch, a couple times she flew back to same perch even though
3/4 way to other perch, NOLO

2024-07-22 17:44 bw/srm
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 2 animals
Food in cage: 205 g ck/r (+ vit + Ca) PER BIRD
Exercise: 8-10x (Stop if crashing to ground)

qar, perched,flew well, but one eye, had hard time seeing in the sun and hesitated
to fly

2024-07-21 17:45 BW/KG
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 2 animals
Food in cage: 184g m/ck TOTAL
BARP, NOLO. Flew from one perch to other with a low swoop.

2024-07-20 16:16 SD/CD
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 2 animals
Food in cage: 186 g m/r
Exercise: 8x and 4x for GHOW with one eye: was hesitant to fly.
No LOs, water good.

2024-07-20 15:11 RMB/CD

Group entry: 2 animals
Weighed and will stop skipping Wednesday

2024-07-20 15:11 RMB/CD
Weight: 1217 grams
Weight change: -192 g (14 %)

2024-07-19 16:02 es/cd
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 2 animals
Food in cage: 189 g r (+ vit + Ca) PER BIRD
Exercise: 8-10x (Stop if crashing to ground)

No lo
Flyin low
Looked to fly up and then would fly back down to perch

2024-07-18 14:45 kk/bw
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 2 animals
Food in cage: 193 g m/ck Total
Exercise: 8-10x (Stop if crashing to ground). One Eye struggled to fly 8x. The
other owl flew 12x easily.


2024-07-16 15:00 lkm/me
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 2 animals
Food in cage: 182 g total m
Exercise: 8-10x (Stop if crashing to ground)

BARP, 1 flew as soon as I entered to other perch, flying very low, flew 2 more times,
bird with 1 eye flew up to ceiling 2x then landed on perch on other side of enclosure,
clacky, defensive, bird with 1 eye flew down and grabbed a mouse once I exited enclosure,

2024-07-15 17:18 jh/rmb
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 2 animals
Food in cage: 198 g R (+ vit + Ca)
Exercise: both 8x quiet and balanced but dipping low

2024-07-14 16:47 GC/BW
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 2 animals
Food in cage: 173 g R

BARP, NOLO. Both did 2+ laps. Did not exercise today - heat advisory

2024-07-13 17:38 sd/bw
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 2 animals
Food in cage: 193 g m

BARP. Clacking & puffing up. Flew p2p.
Water good, no LOS

2024-07-12 15:00 me/es
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 2 animals
Food in cage: 183 g ck (+ vit + Ca) total
Exercise 8-10x (Stop if crashing to ground)

No lo
Flew very low

2024-07-11 16:24 KK/RMB
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 2 animals
Food in cage: 180 g m/ck Total
Exercise 8-10x Flew 10X but One Eye struggled and often flew half way, went to the
roof, and then returned to the same perch.


2024-07-10 16:54 MS

Group entry: 2 animals

2024-07-10 11:46 RMB

Group entry: 2 animals

----------- ORDER CHANGE -------------
Lower food and skipping Wednesdays

2024-07-10 11:21 RMB/GC
Weight: 1409 grams, Keel score: 4.0, Leftovers: 0
Weight change: +86 g (7 %)
Grabbed for weights today. BARP and NOLO.

Weighed 1409 g, K 4. Flying somewhat low, likely secondary to overconditioning. Feather checked today - some damage on both wings and tail

Feather check
  Ok  Fault bar  Dystrophic
  Old  Curled  Broken, not impable
  Extra  Tipped  Missing
  IB, mature  Soiled  Mutilated
  IB  Bent  Unknown
  Imped  Broken, impable   
  Frayed  Singed   

2024-07-09 17:11 bw
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 457g R

All alert and flying. One eye is flying low but makes it to perch without issue.
Lime? is very noisy in flight

2024-07-08 16:33 bw/srm

Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 402 g R (+ vit + Ca) PER BIRD
Exercise 4-6x - STAFF or INTERN only

Bar,perched,nolo, flew well and easily

2024-07-07 12:38 RMB
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 416 g R
Exercise 8x+ - STAFF or INTERN only

2 flew level, even, silent (1 adult (thought he was blue, and one baby, I think silver.
2 flew even and dipped low, one is loud and looks like feathers are tipped.

Need feather check at next weigh.

2024-07-06 18:03 MS
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 430 g m

All BARP, flying. Grabbed 26287 for release. NOLO.

2024-07-05 16:10 mb/cd
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 5 animals
Food in cage: 495 g m+ck (+ vit + Ca) TOTAL

NOLO, BARP- quiet, flying perch to perch and sometimes stopping mid flight on enclosure
walls / ceiling before continuing

2024-07-05 15:37 me/cd

Band changed to: 22012/lime

2024-07-05 15:35 me/cd
Leftovers: 0
Wound care/bandage change: Hydrogel on scab after PT

Grabbed to check patagium. Good extension, flying around; opted to not do PT. L digit 4 is broken about halfway. Moved to F6 to hopefully prevent further talon damage


2024-07-04 09:35 sc
Leftovers: 0
Food: 100 g m

BAR and perched on far perch. Hissing and clacking but he didn't open his wings. No obvious droop or bleeding visable. Changed water and gave a shallow bath. nolo

2024-07-03 15:37 gc

Food: 117 g m/ck/r (+ vit + Ca)
Note wing droop or any bleeding from R wing (notify staff immediately if bleeding)

NOLO, BARP. Wing appeared fine, seen flying. Vocal and clacky

2024-07-02 14:55 gc

Food: 110 g m
Note wing droop or any bleeding from R wing (notify staff immediately if bleeding)

No behavioral notes recorded

Physical therapy
Limb/jointRight wing
Anesthetized under 2.5% ISO. Able to get full extension immediately. Wound on patagium did not seem to be an issue in extending wing. Hard scar tissue around scab- applied hydrogel

2024-07-01 16:00 sc/kv
Leftovers: 0
105g ck

2024-06-30 12:42 RMB/fm/dg
Leftovers: 0
Food: 107g m
Note wing droop or any bleeding from R wing (notify staff immediately if bleeding)

in defensive stance on perch.
did not see any R wing issues.

2024-06-29 13:01 sd/bw
Leftovers: 0
Food: 110 g m
Did not notice bleeding from R wing. slight wing droop.
BARP. Clacking and puffing up.

No leftovers. water good.

2024-06-28 14:51 DR G/ MS
Leftovers: 0
Food: 112 g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Vet check: R wing
Keel check
PT: PROM R wing + patagial massage
Wound care/bandage change: Hydrogel on scab after PT
Note wing droop or any bleeding from R wing (notify staff immediately if bleeding)

Wound on wing still scabbed and a little raw but it has definitely reduced in size. He is flying in the habitat and there is no noticeable droop (he did become defensive fairly quickly).
Did PT - there is great ROM in the right wing. The edge is thickend but so far not impeding the extension.
Put a little hydrogel on the wound after PT.
P: Continue PT twice a week - send pictures to Dr G Friday. I will check in 2 weeks. Dr Gardner

2024-06-27 16:12 /jbsc
Leftovers: 0
Food: 109ck (+ vit + Ca)
Note wing droop or any bleeding from R wing (notify staff immediately if bleeding)
Raising both wings appropriately

2024-06-26 14:19 cd
Leftovers: 0
Food: 102g ck (+ vit + Ca)
PT: PROM R wing + patagial massage
Wound care/bandage change: Hydrogel on scab after PT
Note wing droop or any bleeding from R wing (notify staff immediately if bleeding)

No droop or bleeding seen. PT awake - immediate full ext, scab looks good and stable. Tiny amount of blood from a feather follicle dorsally but none from scab. Flew up to perch when released.

Physical therapy
Limb/jointRight wing

2024-06-25 16:30 lkm/bw
Leftovers: 0
Food: 105 g r
Note wing droop or any bleeding from R wing (notify staff immediately if bleeding)

BARP, hissing, clacky, defensive, NOLO

2024-06-24 17:36 jh/bw
Leftovers: 0
Food: 103 g m (+ vit + Ca)
R wing - no blood, has very minimal droop when relaxed. Holds wings evenly when tense

2024-06-24 12:22 RMB

PT completed, full extension. Messaged wound a little. No blood. Healing nicely. No reaction on message or PT. no anesthesia required.

Physical therapy
Limb/jointRight wing

2024-06-23 17:52 bw/jh
Leftovers: 0
Food: 115 g R (+ vit + Ca) on perch
BARP, very defesnive

2024-06-22 14:19 bt/MS
Leftovers: 0
Food: 108 g r
BARP, clacky and in defeensive posture. Did not notice any R wing droop or bleeding

2024-06-21 17:43 mb/cd
Leftovers: 0
Food: 101 g R+m (+ vit + Ca)

NOLO, BARP- vocal and hissing, flew perch to perch and then extended wings defensively- could not see wing droop or blood

2024-06-21 14:38 Dr. G/MS
Weight: 1323 grams, Keel score: 3.0, Leftovers: 0
Weight change: +23 g (2 %)

BARP, flaring defensively, hissing/clacking. Perch was torn up. NOLO.

Still very feisty. Anesthetized w/ Isoflurane for PT.
The scabbed area on the right humeral patagium has expanded. There is a rough scabbing, but it does seem superficial. The area surrounding the scab along the wing edge is thickened and scarring, but the ROM is still good. Did PT with patagial massage and got good extension.
Plan is to continue the PT every 2-3 days for now. Not currently on any medications.Moved to a larger habitat - he flew up front ground immediately, with some effort. Recheck next week. Dr Gardner

MOVED TO: R10 - large

2024-06-20 17:25 es/ms
Leftovers: 0
Food: 111 g R (+ vit + Ca)
Note wing droop or any bleeding from R wing (notify staff immediately if bleeding)

No lo

2024-06-19 17:09 MB/CD
Leftovers: 0
Food: 100-110 g m/ck/r (+ vit + Ca)
Note wing droop or any bleeding from R wing (notify staff immediately if bleeding)

Perched, clacking/hissing, puffed up

2024-06-18 16:33 MS
Weight: 1300 grams, Leftovers: 0
Weight change: -12 g (1 %)
Food: 109 g m
PT: PROM R wing + patagial massage - under anesthesia
Note wing droop or any bleeding from R wing (notify staff immediately if bleeding): No drooping, holding both wings evenly when flared.

BARP, hissing and clacking. Anesthetized under 3% iso for PT. Wing gets close to full extension. Patagium is thickened, scab was sitll there, but with one extension, it was pulled a bit. Covered with Silver Gel. Recovery was uneventful. Bird has been tearing up perch, may need to move soon. Holding both wings fine when put back. Changed papers. NOLO, one large cast.

2024-06-17 17:40 kv/bw
Leftovers: 0
Food: 104 g r (+ vit + Ca)
Note wing droop or any bleeding from R wing (notify staff immediately if bleeding)

BARP, NOLO, very vocal (hissing and clacking,) can't see R wing, in defensive posture with wings up, can't see any blood, newspaper changed.

2024-06-16 17:52 BW/KG
Leftovers: 0
Food: 106 g chk
PT: PROM R wing + patagial massage - under anesthesia
Note wing droop or any bleeding from R wing (notify staff immediately if bleeding)


2024-06-15 15:06 ah/ms
Leftovers: 0
Food: 115 g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Note wing droop or any bleeding from R wing (notify staff immediately if bleeding.

vocal and defensive. Wing looked fine.

2024-06-14 10:26 Dr. G/MS
Weight: 1312 grams, Keel score: 3.0, Leftovers: 0
Weight change: +35 g (3 %)
Food: 120 g m/ck (+ vit + Ca)
Vet check: Bandage change

BARP. Bird was very difficult to catch. Taloned me through glove and poked multiple holes in transport box. Needs to be staff grab. NOLO.

Bird is BAR and very hard to handle, strong. Bandage on R wing intact. Per Milan a small piece of dried tissue that may have been tendon was removed by Dr Tracey on Wednesday, and that overall at that point she thought it looked good.
Anesthetized briefly w/ Isoflurane for bandage change. Removed bandage, there is a little scabbing over

----------- ORDER CHANGE -------------
switch to SID, staff grab only

2024-06-13 16:18 jb0ms
Leftovers: 0
Food: 56 g m/ck (+ vit + Ca)
Enrofloxacin: 3/4 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Pentoxifylline: 0.27 cc (100 mg/mL susp) PO
Is my R wing wrap in place?NOLO

2024-06-13 09:57 AH/ME
Leftovers: 0
Food: 62 rat (+ vit + Ca)
Enrofloxacin: 3/4 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Pentoxifylline: 0.27 cc (100 mg/mL susp) PO
Is my R wing wrap in place? yes

2024-06-12 15:30 ES/CD
Leftovers: 0
Food: 56 g m (+ vit + Ca)
Enrofloxacin: 3/4 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Pentoxifylline: 0.27 cc (100 mg/mL susp) PO

no lo

2024-06-11 17:00 lkm/bw
Leftovers: 0
Food: 57 g ck
Enrofloxacin: 3/4 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Pentoxifylline: 0.27 cc (100 mg/mL susp) PO
Is my R wing wrap in place?

Hissing and clacky as I approached enclosure, BARP, very defensive, changed papers, NOLO

2024-06-11 11:44 GC
Leftovers: 0
Food: 58 g m
Enrofloxacin: 3/4 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Pentoxifylline: 0.27 cc (100 mg/mL susp) PO
Is my R wing wrap in place? Yes

NOLO. BARP and clacky

2024-06-10 17:21 kv/me
Leftovers: 0
Food: 52 g m (+ vit + Ca)
Enrofloxacin: 3/4 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Pentoxifylline: 0.27 cc (100 mg/mL susp) PO
Is my R wing wrap in place?

BARP, NOLO, very vocal (hissing and clacking,) R wing bandage appears to be in place.

2024-06-10 11:00 rmb/me
Leftovers: 0
Food: 58 g R(+ vit + Ca)
Enrofloxacin: 3/4 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Pentoxifylline: 0.27 cc (100 mg/mL susp) PO
Bandage intact, no sign of picking
Anesthetized with iso via mask for Wound care/bandage change: GENTLE PT - full extension of wrist and shoulder; sutures at leading egede of patagium intact
Applied telfa to suture line, padded Fig 8
several small firm scabs on L patagium, should fall off in the next few days

2024-06-09 17:51 jh/bw
Leftovers: 0
Food: 52 g dk m
Enrofloxacin: 3/4 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Pentoxifylline: 0.27 cc (100 mg/mL susp) PO
Is my R wing wrap in place? YES
BARP, very defensive, clacky

2024-06-09 12:50 gc

Food: 53 g m
Enrofloxacin: 3/4 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Pentoxifylline: 0.27 cc (100 mg/mL susp) PO
Is my R wing wrap in place? Yes

BARP, NOLO, spicy and vocal

2024-06-08 17:24 AH/cd
Leftovers: 7
Food: 55 g R (+ vit + Ca)
Enrofloxacin: 3/4 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Pentoxifylline: 0.27 cc (100 mg/mL susp) PO
Is my R wing wrap in place? yes

some leftovers

2024-06-08 09:26 cd/kmj
Leftovers: 0
Food: 52g m/ck
Enrofloxacin: 3/4 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Pentoxifylline: 0.27 cc (100 mg/mL susp) PO
Wing wrap in place
BARP - was clacking and hissing before I entered the condo, continued and spread wings (as best he could) while papers were changed

2024-06-07 18:05 es/cd
Leftovers: 0
Food: 58 g R (+ vit + Ca)
Enrofloxacin: 3/4 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Pentoxifylline: 0.27 cc (100 mg/mL susp) PO
Meloxicam: .38 cc
Vet check: Bandage change
Is my R wing wrap in place?

No lo, barp, hissing

2024-06-07 13:16 Dr. G/MS
Weight: 1277 grams, Leftovers: 0
Weight change: +88 g (7 %)
Food: 55 g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Enrofloxacin: 3/4 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Pentoxifylline: 0.27 cc (100 mg/mL susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.38 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Vet check: Bandage change
Wound care/bandage change: Bandage change under anesthesia, GENTLE PT, replace bandage, also check L wing for changes in skin
Is my R wing wrap in place? Yes

BARP, hissy and clacky. NOLO, one large cast. Changed papers.

Anesthetized for bandage change. I am not completely happy with how the right humeral patagium looks. The sutures on the ventral and dorsal side are intact and that area is healing, but the wing edge is scabbed and there is a little divot there. There is still good ROM and the wing edge does not feel knotted or stiff at this point.
Did PT with good extension. Rebandaged, trying to pad so that the wing does not fold too acutely in the area of the wound, in case this is impeding the healing.
The odd area on the L ventral patagium looks better - there is some mild scabbing but it does not look like it is going to necrose.
P: Continue PT every 2-3 days until next week. After that will consider leaving bandage off, but may need to continue PT. Dr Gardner

2024-06-06 16:44 kk/rmb
Leftovers: 0
Food: 60 g m
Enrofloxacin: 3/4 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Pentoxifylline: 0.27 cc (100 mg/mL susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.38 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO


2024-06-06 10:16 kv/me
Leftovers: 0
Food: 58 g rat (+ vit + Ca)
Enrofloxacin: 3/4 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Pentoxifylline: 0.27 cc (100 mg/mL susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.38 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Is my R wing wrap in place?

BARP, NOLO, very vocal (hissing and clacking,) R wing bandage in place, newspaper changed.

2024-06-05 15:57 ES/RMB
Leftovers: 0
Food: 58 g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Enrofloxacin: 3/4 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Pentoxifylline: 0.27 cc (100 mg/mL susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.38 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Is my R wing wrap in place? yes

Bar, hissing, clacking, nolo

2024-06-05 10:20 tm/ms
Leftovers: 0
Food: 55g m (vit and cal)
Enrofloxacin: 3/4 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Pentoxifylline: 0.27 cc (100 mg/mL susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.38 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

hissing and clacking
changed newspaper
collected fecal
wrap was in place

2024-06-04 17:47 kv
Leftovers: 0
Food: 58 g m
Enrofloxacin: 3/4 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Pentoxifylline: 0.27 cc (100 mg/mL susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.38 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

NOLO, BARP, VERY vocal/defensive (hissing and clacking)

2024-06-04 11:19 bt/me
Leftovers: 0
Food: 51 g R (+ vit + Ca)
Enrofloxacin: 3/4 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Pentoxifylline: 0.27 cc (100 mg/mL susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.38 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
On perch in defensive posture, so couldn't tell if R wing was drooping. Bandage was in place

2024-06-03 16:00 kv/rmb
Leftovers: 13
Food: 52g m (+ vit + Ca)
Enrofloxacin: 3/4 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Pentoxifylline: 0.27 cc (100 mg/mL susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.38 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

BAR 13g LO

2024-06-03 10:45 me
Leftovers: 0
Food: 54 g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Enrofloxacin: 3/4 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Pentoxifylline: 0.27 cc (100 mg/mL susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.38 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Bandage had slipped down some
Wound care/bandage change: Bandage change under anesthesia, ISO via mask, GENTLE PT - good extension of wrist; did not put any tension on sutured area; applied Silver gel, telfa and padded Fig 8 Bandage
Central L patagium has area about 1.5 cm x 2 cm that is discolored yellow - applied Silver gel

2024-06-02 17:59 gc
Leftovers: 0
Food: 54 g
Enrofloxacin: 3/4 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Pentoxifylline: 0.27 cc (100 mg/mL susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.38 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

BAR, NOLO seen

2024-06-02 14:55 RMB

Collection date2024-06-02

2024-06-02 10:34 dg/rb
Leftovers: 0
Food: 60 g R
Enrofloxacin: 3/4 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Pentoxifylline: 0.27 cc (100 mg/mL susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.38 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Is my R wing wrap in place?

BAR, perched, clacking and puffing up, wing wrap in place, NOLO

2024-06-01 19:02 SD/MS
Leftovers: 0
Food: 56g ck

Clacking and puffing up while leaving food.
No leftovers.

2024-06-01 12:00 AH/BW
Leftovers: 0
57g R
3/4 tab Enro (22.7mg tab)
0.27cc Pento (100mg/ml susp)
0.38cc Melox (1.5mg/ml susp)

NOLO. BARP. Very defensive, lots of clicking. Unable to observe wing. Food tossed in through food hatch.

2024-05-31 16:38 lt/cd
Leftovers: 0
Food: 65 g R (+ vit + Ca)
Enrofloxacin: 3/4 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Pentoxifylline: 0.27 cc (100 mg/mL susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.38 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

BARP, Very vocal and alert. No leftovers

2024-05-31 12:00 Dr. G/MS
Weight: 1189 grams, Leftovers: 0
Weight change: +29 g (3 %)
Food: 57 g m/ck (+ vit + Ca)
Enrofloxacin: 3/4 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Pentoxifylline: 0.27 cc (100 mg/mL susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.38 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Move to - Move to something larger?
Note that bandage in place R wing
Feed Rat if available

BARP, feisty. NOLO.

Examined owl in habitat, he is flying a bit but the right wing skin over the tendon looked very friable and possibly dehisced. IT was difficult to tell what was going on in the habitat, so brought inside and could see that the skin over the tendon had either dehisced and contracted back, and that there was exposed and dessicated tendon, about 7 mm worth. Had to debride and close patagial tendon - see report.
Also concerning is that there is still scabbing over the wounds on the ventral aspect of the left humeral patagium, and one area about 1.5 cm in length over the left patagium that may be becoming necrotic. We need to monitor closely at each handling.
P: Bandage change in 3 days then in 1 week. GENTLE PT, no real tension on sutures!
After a week we may be able to increase the PT.
Check L wing as well. Continue all medications. (Dr G)


----------- ORDER CHANGE -------------
start PT E3D

Surgery report
Procedure - Wound debridement
Performed by - Dr G
Surgery time - 20 minutes

Debrided necrotic tendon and skin away from the wound. Found
proximal end of tendon, was able to join with some tissue on
the distal aspect that appeared to contain tendon, but wasn't
able to clearly delineate that aspect of the tendon. 
Debrided skin on either side of incision and closed perpendicular
to the skin edges w/ horizontal mattress sutures on the ventral
aspect. Flipped the bird, cleaned and flushed again and did the
same on the dorsal aspect. 
Covered w/ Silver gel, telfa, cast padding, vet wrap (figure-8).
Recovered quickly. Dr Gardner

2024-05-30 15:42 mgs/me
Leftovers: 0
Food: 53 g m/c
Enrofloxacin: 3/4 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Pentoxifylline: 0.27 cc (100 mg/mL susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.38 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Note if either wing is drooping
Feed Rat if available
BARP. Clacky and hissy

2024-05-30 10:30 LM/ME
Leftovers: 0
Food: 54g sm rat
Enrofloxacin: 3/4 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Pentoxifylline: 0.27 cc (100 mg/mL susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.38 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
BAR, perched, flew once to ground, no wing droop observed, clacky

2024-05-29 16:46 jh/cd

Food: 55 g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Enrofloxacin: 3/4 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Pentoxifylline: 0.27 cc (100 mg/mL susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.38 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

BAR, perched by door, flew to back perch upon entry
NOLO, placed new food on perch by door

2024-05-29 11:01 tm/ms
Leftovers: 0
Food: 57g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Enrofloxacin: 3/4 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Pentoxifylline: 0.27 cc (100 mg/mL susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.38 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

in defensive posture
did not notice a wing droop


2024-05-28 11:49 sc
Leftovers: 0
PT under 2.5% ISO via mask. PT went really well, full ROM immediately. All suture sites and scabs are clean, dry and not causing too much tention.

Plan: Dr G look at on Friday and potentially move her to a larger space again.

Food: 73 g R piece with meds
Enrofloxacin: 3/4 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Pentoxifylline: 0.27 cc (100 mg/mL susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.38 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

Physical therapy
Limb/jointLeft wing
Full ROM at beginning and end. Scabs and sutures look nice and dry and there does not seem to be any additional tention
Physical therapy
Limb/jointRight wing
Easy full ROM, sutures are nice and clean

2024-05-27 16:40 RMB
Leftovers: 0
Food: 53 g R (+ vit + Ca)
Enrofloxacin: 3/4 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Pentoxifylline: 0.27 cc (100 mg/mL susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.38 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Note if either wing is drooping - looks great

BARP, Hissy

2024-05-27 10:18 bt/me
Leftovers: 0
Food: 52 g m (+ vit + Ca)
Enrofloxacin: 3/4 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Pentoxifylline: 0.27 cc (100 mg/mL susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.38 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
BARP, clacky
Slight R wing droop

2024-05-26 17:27 BW/KL
Leftovers: 0
Food: 54 g R
Enrofloxacin: 3/4 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Pentoxifylline: 0.27 cc (100 mg/mL susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.38 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Note if either wing is drooping
Feed Rat if available


2024-05-26 10:39 DG/CD
Leftovers: 0
Food: 55 g m
Enrofloxacin: 3/4 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Pentoxifylline: 0.27 cc (100 mg/mL susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.38 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Note if either wing is drooping

BAR, perched up close to wall, no wing droop, NOLO

2024-05-25 18:23 MS
Leftovers: 0
Food: 58 g m
Enrofloxacin: 3/4 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Pentoxifylline: 0.27 cc (100 mg/mL susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.38 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

BARP, hissing. On perch closest to door. NOLO and no wing drooping.

----------- ORDER CHANGE -------------
note wing droop(s)

2024-05-25 10:47 bw
Leftovers: 0
Food: 55 g m
Enrofloxacin: 3/4 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Pentoxifylline: 0.27 cc (100 mg/mL susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.38 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

Neither wing was droop. Stitches looked good. Very BAR

2024-05-24 17:35 bt/cd
Leftovers: 0
Food: 55 g m (+ vit + Ca)
Enrofloxacin: 3/4 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Fenbendazole: 0.33 cc (100 mg/ml susp) PO
Pentoxifylline: 0.27 cc (100 mg/mL susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.38 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
BAR, perched and hissing

2024-05-24 12:05 Dr. G/MS
Weight: 1160 grams, Leftovers: 0
Weight change: -1 g (0 %)
Food: 56 g m (+ vit + Ca)
Enrofloxacin: 3/4 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Fenbendazole: 0.33 ml (100 mg/ml susp) PO
Pentoxifylline: 0.27 ml (100 mg/mL susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.38 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Vet check: Check both wings
Keel check
Wound care/bandage change: Check wounds on both wings
Forgot to collect fecal

BAR. Anesthetized for bandage removal, wound examination.
R wing - sutures are in place and all looks relatively quiet. There is a little thickening at the distal aspect of the sutures, but minimal. My biggest concern would be him forming scar tissue at the patagium, decreasing ROM long-term. Today it feels good.
L wing - all sutures are in place - one of the wounds on the dorsal aspect looks slightly moist and bears watching. Lots of bruising over whole humerus, down to and a bit past the elbow. Not really swollen, hopefully just residual. ROM under GA feels good.
Plan is to leave wraps off and leave wounds open to allow him to exercise himself. Want to move somewhere bigger so he is not bored (and hopefully won't pick at the sutures) so will move to R21 tomorrow.
P: all right to d/c Tramadol but would continue all else until 5/31. Check sutures tomorrow when he is moved; check wing 5/28 to make sure not open areas, no scarring, and bruising is improved. Dr Gardner

----------- ORDER CHANGE -------------
d/c tram

2024-05-23 15:52 kk/RMB
Leftovers: 0
Food: 48 g m
Enrofloxacin: 3/4 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Fenbendazole: 0.33 ml (100 mg/ml susp) PO
Pentoxifylline: 0.27 ml (100 mg/mL susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.38 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Tramadol: 0.58 cc (40 mg/ml susp) PO


2024-05-23 10:45 me
Leftovers: 0
Food: 52 g m
Enrofloxacin: 3/4 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Fenbendazole: 0.33 ml (100 mg/ml susp) PO
Pentoxifylline: 0.27 ml (100 mg/mL susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.38 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Tramadol: 0.58 cc (40 mg/ml susp) PO

2024-05-22 17:21 jh/cd
Leftovers: 0
Food: 51g m (+ vit + Ca)
Enrofloxacin: 3/4 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Pentoxifylline: 0.27 ml (100 mg/mL susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.38 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Tramadol: 0.58 cc (40 mg/ml susp) PO

BARP and hissy. NOLO

2024-05-22 12:14 TM/RMB
Leftovers: 0
Food: 55g m(+ vit + Ca)
Enrofloxacin: 3/4 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Fenbendazole: 0.33 ml (100 mg/ml susp) PO
Pentoxifylline: 0.27 ml (100 mg/mL susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.38 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Tramadol: 0.58 cc (40 mg/ml susp) PO

hissing and clacking
bandage looked good

2024-05-21 19:00 bw
Leftovers: 0
Food: 54 g m
Enrofloxacin: 3/4 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Pentoxifylline: 0.27 ml (100 mg/mL susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.38 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Tramadol: 0.58 cc (40 mg/ml susp) PO

nolo hissing.

2024-05-21 11:04 MS
Weight: 1161 grams, Leftovers: 0
Food: 51 g m
Enrofloxacin: 3/4 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Fenbendazole: 0.33 ml (100 mg/ml susp) PO
Pentoxifylline: 0.27 ml (100 mg/mL susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.38 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Tramadol: 0.58 cc (40 mg/ml susp) PO
Radiograph: intake rads
Wound care/bandage change: Check wounds on both wings: All sutures still intact. Lightly wiped with chlorhex. Removed Telfa from L wing. Reapplied Telfa to R patagium and applied padded fig 8 wraps to both wings.

BAR, bitey. NOLO. Anesthetized under 3% iso for rads, 1% for wound care. Recovery was rather slow, but uneventful.


2024-05-20 16:20 BW/SRM
Leftovers: 0
Food: 52 g m/ck (+ vit + Ca)
Enrofloxacin: 3/4 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Fenbendazole: 0.33 ml (100 mg/ml susp) PO
Pentoxifylline: 0.27 ml (100 mg/mL susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.38 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

Qar, defensive, perched, nothing else of note

2024-05-20 12:04 sc

Band changed to: 22012

2024-05-20 12:03 sc
Weight: 1166 grams
Weight change: +68 g (6 %)
Food: 55 g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Enrofloxacin: 3/4 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Fenbendazole: 0.33 ml (100 mg/ml susp) PO
Pentoxifylline: 0.27 ml (100 mg/mL susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.38 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

BAR and NOLO. The towels are shredded. Wraps are still in place. Moved out to condo R15b

2024-05-19 18:30 bw
Leftovers: 50
Food: 58 g m/ck
Enrofloxacin: 3/4 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Pentoxifylline: 0.27 ml (100 mg/mL susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.38 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

standing alert and hissing. did not see LOs that were under towel until I alreayd dropped food. TF the bite of mouse that had meds in it

2024-05-19 14:42 RMB

Start Fenben

Collection date2024-05-19
ResultsPOS for
Collection date2024-05-19

2024-05-19 13:51 Dr G/CD

Anesthetized for assessment +/- repair of wing wounds.
R wing - ~ 1 cm tear in leading edge of patagium over humerus, tendon exposed but not damaged
L wing - bruising w/ thick swelling along humerus; small tear just above the flesh of the distal humerus, ventrally.
Full-thickness puncture over humeral patagium; partial-thickness tear below that dorsally.
See surgery report.
Bandage change 05/21 along w/ intake radiographs. MAKE SURE BANDAGES ARE NOT TIGHT.
Continue all medications.
I will recheck 5/24.

NOTE: Caution with anesthesia, patient was stable but slow to recover. Dr Gardner

Surgery report
Procedure - Wound debridement
Performed by - Dr Gardner
Surgery time - 30 minutes

R wing: wound is fresh and relatively clean. Debrided a small
amount of tissue from distal wound edge. Closed in a W-shaped
pattern, small stitches, with wings extended to go along with
lines of tension. 4-0 PDS

L wing - Full-thickness wound debrided, closed horizontally ventrally
and dorsally with wing extended. 
Partial thickness wounds flushed well and closed w/ single stitches.

NOTE: use smaller tube next time. Also, patient was slow to recover.

2024-05-19 10:16 RMB
Leftovers: 100

SQ fluids: 35cc if not eating
Enrofloxacin: 3/4 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Pentoxifylline: 0.27 ml (100 mg/mL susp) PO
Buprenorphine: 0.55 ml (0.6 mg/mL inj) IM
Meloxicam: 0.38 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO


BAR, 100g LO

2024-05-18 15:39 cd/ms
Weight: 1098 grams, Keel score: 3.0
Found tangled in barbed wire. Finder cut him out and drove him to us.

------------- PHYSICAL EXAM FINDINGS ----------------
Behavior and Neuro: BAR
Mouth: clean
Ears: clean
Vent: clean
Body condition score: 3
Left wing: barbed wire caught in patagium, full ext, no fx palpated
Right wing: wound on medial edge of patagium, exp tendon, full ext, no fx palpated
Left leg: wnl full ext
Right leg: wnl full ext
Ectoparasites: flat flies

Bird presents very BAR and bitey. Examined eyes then anaesthetized under ISO and oxygen via mask (4.5% ind, 3% maint) due to barbed wire involvement. Admin torb.
R wing - ~1.5cm long wound on medial leading edge of patagium, exposed healthy tendon, skin available on both sides to potentially allow sutures. Applied SSD, covered with duoderm, telfa, and tega.
L wing - barbed wire prongs through patagium in several places. See attached images. At least 2 through wounds. Flushed area well and applied SSD. covered wounds w telfa, padded with gauze and wrapped in fig 8.
Recovery from ane uneventful. Finished tx and set up in KR2.

0.22 torb IM
0.11 meloxi IM
0.27 pentoxifylline PO
30cc LRS SQ
0.16 enro SQ (100 mg/mL)

Have Dr G eval & potentially suture tomorrow.

Version 4.0.2 - 4.0.7 Tue Oct 15 20:23:16 2024